What is a circumcision procedure?
Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis (the foreskin). This procedure is centuries old and continues to be performed throughout the world, including in Canada.
Parents of newborn males often have questions about circumcision: Is it necessary? What are its benefits? What are its risks? At TOCC we believe in giving you the information you need so you can make an informed decision about your son's health.
Why circumcise a newborn?
Circumcision may be done for a number of reasons, including religious rituals, cultural preferences, or family traditions. Circumcision may also be done for medical reasons, or as a preventive health measure to reduce the risks of certain health conditions for your son throughout his life. If you choose to circumcise your son, we will provide you with the support necessary for a successful procedure and healing process.
The Comfortable Choice
Dr. Mohamad Akil has a desire and commitment to providing the best care possible. The comfort of you and your family is our top priority, making us the most comfortable choice.
What is the recommended age for circumcision?
If you have made the decision to circumcise your son, it is recommended that you have the procedure completed as soon as convenient for your family. We generally suggest circumcision be completed between 7 - 21 days of age. However, Dr. Akil performs circumcisions for babies up to 12 months of age.
Why is this preferred?
Circumcisions performed on newborns typically have a lower complication rate than those performed on older boys or men. It is also an optimal time because newborn babies are less aware of their surroundings, respond well to local anesthesia, and have low mobility which encourages an easier healing process.
Another immediate medical benefit to having your son circumcised as early as possible is the greatly reduced risk of a urinary tract infection (UTI), which is higher in infancy than in any other year of life. This is also the best time to perform a circumcision and carries the least expense and minimal risks when done by circumcision specialists